Multi-services transport concierge

Adopt the KeyROAD reflex !

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A digital plateforme

KeyROAD simplifies the connection between all road transport professionals.

An innovative solution

Thanks to a network of professionals, drivers and operators can find a quick, reliable, and cost-effective repair solution.

A community service

KeyROAD is based on a unique network across France, the Benelux, the Iberian Peninsula and its neighboring countries.

A more peaceful daily life

KeyROAD is based on a unique network across France, the Benelux, the Iberian Peninsula and its neighboring countries.

Discover KeyROAD

A solution that best fits your needs
All services for drivers and their vehicles
A unique network of professionals

How does KeyROAD work ?

Step 1

I identify my problem

Operator or driver, looking for the closest solution to handle an unexpected situation on the road? Do you need parking? a wash station? a space with restrooms and showers? straps or PPE? or even a place to store your rejected pallet? Connect to the app

Step 2

I’m looking for a quick and cost-effective solution.

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar geographic area and don’t know the region, you can consult the app’s community (several hundred companies).

Step 3

I solve my problem thanks to a KeyROAD point.

Have you found the 'location' that fits your need and is nearby? Then, all you have to do is confirm and head there."

The advantages of KeyROAD
the multi-services transport concierge

Close to your needs

It handles unexpected situations on the road: a goods rejection, finding parking, a shower, PPE, straps, a wash station... anywhere and wherever you need it.

A peaceful daily life

Everything for the peace of mind of your drivers and operators, with the assurance of assistance at a controlled cost, responsiveness, and a guarantee of proper execution wherever you are.

A financial guarantee

Using KeyROAD provides a financial guarantee and a turnkey solution to enhance your teams' daily experience!

Are you interested in our digital platform
and would like to join the KeyROAD network?

Sign up now>